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Ohio society of
health-system pharmacy

Legislation & Policies That OSHP is Advocating For / Against:

List of bills/policies/initiatives listed below: Members can find more detailed information about our specific positions and copies of any of OSHP's written testimony underneath the specific page dedicated to each piece of legislation. This requires logging in to the website. Once you log in, you will see specific pages become available underneath the "Legislation Information" menu selection above.

SB144 HB73 / Duty To Report Rules

Senate Bill 144: Technician Administered Vaccinations - OSHP Supports SB144

We have been heavily advocating as proponents of SB144 over the past year and are thrilled to announce that the bill has officially passed both the House and the Senate and will soon be sent to Governor DeWine for final signature. This is a big win for our organization, for our profession, and most importantly for our patients.

This bill accomplishes 3 key things:

  1. Authorizes certified pharmacy technicians and registered pharmacy technicians to administer immunizations in the same manner that pharmacy interns are authorized to do so under current law.
  2. Authorizes pharmacists, interns, and technicians to administer immunizations beginning when a child is five, as opposed to the current age limit of seven
  3. Eliminates a requirement that most immunizations for children under age 13 be prescribed in order to be administered by a pharmacist or pharmacy intern.

Thank you to everyone who worked to support this legislation, you are the reason this was able to move through both chambers of congress over the past few months and ensure access to immunizations for all Ohioans.

OSHP is supportive of this bill and has provided proponent testimony in favor of the bill, both verbally and in writing. You can find our testimony below.

Watch OSHP's Testimony and Q&A: Click Here 

Read OSHP's Written Testimony: OSHP Proponent Testimony - SB144 (Written Testimony)

Read OSHP's Abridged Testimony: OSHP Proponent Testimony - SB144 (Verbal Testimony)

House Bill 73: Require Pharmacists to Dispense Off-Label Prescriptions - OSHP Opposes HB73

House Bill 73 was sponsored by Rep. Jennifer Gross (District 45) and Rep. Mike Loychik (District 65). House bill 73 has passed the Ohio House of Representatives and will likely be introduced into the Senate in the coming months. OSHP Opposes HB73.

Below is a non-partisan summary/overview of HB73 as passed by the Ohio House of Representatives:

House Bill 73....

1. Authorizes a prescriber to prescribe an off-label drug and generally requires a pharmacist to dispense, and a hospital or inpatient facility to allow the dispensing of, the drug, including when a patient has neither been tested or screened for nor exposed to a particular disease, illness, or infection.

2. Authorizes, under certain circumstances, an off-label drug to be brought into a hospital or inpatient facility for administration to a patient.

3. Establishes a process by which an outpatient physician prescriber may obtain temporary hospital or inpatient facility privileges to participate in a hospital or facility patient’s care in the narrowed scope of practice regarding the administering and monitoring of a prescribed off-label drug.

4. Grants qualified immunity from liability for harm resulting from the dispensing or use of an off-label drug in accordance with the bill’s provisions.

5. Generally prohibits a licensing board from pursuing an administrative or disciplinary action against a prescriber who prescribes the off-label drug, a pharmacist who dispenses it, or a hospital or inpatient facility that allows it to be dispensed.

6. Prohibits an administrative or disciplinary action against a licensed health care professional or a hospital or inpatient facility for expressing a medical opinion that does not align with those of the licensing board, a local board of health, or the Ohio Department of Health.

7. Generally prohibits the denial of nutrition or fluids to a patient.

8. Prohibits a political subdivision, public official, or state agency from enforcing any rule or order issued by a federal agency that prohibits issuing a prescription for or dispensing an off-label drug.

9. Names the act the Dave and Angie Patient and Health Provider Protection Act.

Read more about the specifics of House Bill 73 by clicking here

Duty To Report Rules - Public Comment to the Ohio Board of Pharmacy - OSHP Evaluating 

The Ohio Board of Pharmacy recently released proposed updated to the Duty To Report rules. OSHP is working with our members and other key stakeholders to ensure that we provide feedback an comments to the Ohio Board of Pharmacy that adequately represent our members.

Please read the proposed rules by clicking here

If you have comments or feedback, feel free to send them forward to in addition to providing your comments to the Board of Pharmacy directly. OSHP's official comments are available on the members only legislative site for OSHP members to reference.

About the organization

"The mission of OSHP is to optimize patient health by advocating for the advancement of pharmacy practice to promote comprehensive, quality care across the health-care continuum

