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Ohio society of
health-system pharmacy

Pharmacist Legislative Day 2019

  • 23 Oct 2019
  • 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
  • Sheraton Columbus Hotel at Capitol Square

October 23: Pharmacist Legislative Day

Registration is open!

Sheraton Columbus Hotel at Capitol Square and the Ohio Statehouse

There are big pharmacy issues this year: PBM reform, provider status, access to care, Medicaid, and more! We need your help to stand up for pharmacists!

Legislative Day is an advocacy event that allows pharmacists and student pharmacists to meet with legislators to educate them about the value of pharmacists as part of the health care team. You will learn about the latest legislative issues in the Ohio Statehouse, discuss ways to effectively communicate those issues, hear from the legislators themselves, and have a chance to individually visit the offices of legislators. This program will allow you to learn and become involved in the issues impacting Ohio pharmacy practice. We’ll discuss PBM reform, provider status, access to care, Medicaid, and other critical issues.

The Ohio Pharmacists Association, the Ohio Society of Health-System Pharmacists and several of Ohio’s prominent pharmacy buying groups have joined together for this special advocacy day to inform you of crucial legislation impacting pharmacy practice. Pharmacist Legislative Day is designed to develop open dialogue between pharmacists and lawmakers. Be a part of the important process that will shape our profession.

CLICK HERE to register!

The Ohio pharmacy community, in cooperation with our sponsors, American Pharmacy Cooperative, Inc. (APCI), American Pharmacy Services Corporation (APSC), and Independent Pharmacy Cooperative, have joined together for this special advocacy day to put you in control.

This program offers three contact hours (0.3 CEU) of continuing pharmacy education for pharmacists. For complete program details, schedule, invited speakers, and a printable registration form, check out our Legislative Day Brochure.

Who Should Attend?

Pharmacists and student pharmacists who want to become politically active and advocate on behalf of the profession.

“There is nothing more powerful than for pharmacists to have face-to-face meetings with legislators and their aides.” – Ernest Boyd”

 Click here to see a printable brochure for the 2019 Pharmacist Legislative Day.

CLICK HERE for Pharmacist Legislative Day online registration.

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About the organization

"The mission of OSHP is to optimize patient health by advocating for the advancement of pharmacy practice to promote comprehensive, quality care across the health-care continuum

