Nomination Form I Previous Recipients
To recognize a pharmacist within the first 5 years after graduation who has demonstrated exemplary pharmacy practice leadership and engagement with OSHP or other professional organizations.Criteria
The nominee must be a pharmacist practicing in the state of Ohio within five years after graduation with his or her first pharmacy degree. Current pharmacy residents are not eligible for this award; any nominations for residents should be submitted through the OSHP Resident Award. Any pharmacist who is a member of OSHP is eligible, and this award is not limited to those serving in formal leadership positions in their practice. The ideal nominee should demonstrate characteristics of:
• Innovation
• Initiative
• Professionalism
• Collaboration
• Compassion
• Demonstrating leadership beyond their assigned role
May be submitted along with supporting material(s) by any OSHP member, OSHP Board of Directors, or Local Affiliated Chapters of OSHP. Additionally, a CV is highly recommended for submission.Selection
Made by OSHP Division of Professional Affairs; final approval by the OSHP Board of DirectorsDeadline
OSHP Annual MeetingPresentation
Plaque, Complimentary OSHP Annual Meeting Registration