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Ohio society of
health-system pharmacy

OSHP Emerging Leader Award

Nomination Form I Previous Recipients


To recognize a pharmacist within the first 5 years after graduation who has demonstrated exemplary pharmacy practice leadership and engagement with OSHP or other professional organizations.


The nominee must be a pharmacist practicing in the state of Ohio within five years after graduation with his or her first pharmacy degree. Current pharmacy residents are not eligible for this award; any nominations for residents should be submitted through the OSHP Resident Award. Any pharmacist who is a member of OSHP is eligible, and this award is not limited to those serving in formal leadership positions in their practice. The ideal nominee should demonstrate characteristics of:

• Innovation

• Initiative

• Professionalism

• Collaboration

• Compassion

• Demonstrating leadership beyond their assigned role


May be submitted along with supporting material(s) by any OSHP member, OSHP Board of Directors, or Local Affiliated Chapters of OSHP. Additionally, a CV is highly recommended for submission.


Made by OSHP Division of Professional Affairs; final approval by the OSHP Board of Directors


OSHP Annual Meeting


Plaque, Complimentary OSHP Annual Meeting Registration

About the organization

"The mission of OSHP is to optimize patient health by advocating for the advancement of pharmacy practice to promote comprehensive, quality care across the health-care continuum

