Author: Katie McKinney, PharmD, MS, BCPS, FACHE, FASHP.

“The first time I ever flew in a plane, I was skydiving.”
“I coach a high school dance team.”
“I am an officer in the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite.”
“I have gone waterfall rappelling!”
“Last month I competed in my first chess tournament.”
OSHP has amazing members.
Each of the above statements came from an active member in OSHP!
How do you celebrate what makes others’ unique?
How might you recognize the gifts and contributions of your colleagues at your practice sites, local affiliated chapters and in our state organization?
Now’s the time!
Nominations for OSHP’s eleven awards are open through January 15, 2020.
Visit to view the award criteria and submit nominations.
Click into “About” for each award.
The Nomination Form can be found within the individual award description.
As we consider the beginning of a new year, and a new decade, be reminded that OSHP has partnered with the National Academy of Medicine Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience. “In positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.”1
Please take a moment to cultivate gratitude for a colleague by nominating her or him for one of OSHP’s Awards. Perhaps this may allow you to accomplish one of your 2020 goals early in the year, in the recognition and appreciation of others or appreciating others as a way to strengthen your individual resilience and improve your well-being.
You might also consider involving someone new in your professional activities as a way to recognize his or her contributions to patient care and your department. Extend the invitation to a newly hired technician to join you at an upcoming event with your local-affiliated chapter. You will enjoy the opportunity to learn more about your colleague, make introductions to others and contribute to her or his professional development and advancement. Embrace opportunities in 2020 for your growth as well as your role in the growth of others.
Thank you to the members of OSHP for your voluntary work in 2019 and living into our mission to optimize patient health by advocating for the advancement of pharmacy practice to promote comprehensive, quality care across the health-care continuum.
Please enjoy a safe, happy and healthy 2020!
Katie McKinney, PharmD, MS, BCPS, FACHE, FASHP
President, OSHP, 2019-2020